What you learned about preparation and teaching from your peer:
I discovered through my lesson that preparation of the lesson is only half the battle. It took me a lot of time to decide on the lesson I should do, when I finally decided on slope, I looked at the standards which I had to meet and created my lesson.It took me several hours to decide on a great engagement for students. After talking with my teacher and exploring the vast amounts of technology available I decided that I was going to create a smart board/ individualized lesson for the students. I prepared my lesson by created several slope stories which I would solve with the students during guided practice. After the guided practice questions were completed I created slides for each student to show their own work. The slides provided directions and an x-y grid for the students to work with effectively. Preparing the lesson on notebook was far easier than I ever thought it would be, I was able to determine slope questions and work through the problems quickly on my own, in addition I also created extra slides in case the class needed further instruction and my slope lesson was to simple for the class. The creation of a further lesson was a great idea for individualized learning as well, I was able to have further instruction if necessary for students. When working with notebook, the internet is not necessary. The students only accessed the internet to attach their work onto the class discussion board. I made sure that the students used the internet minimally due to two facts, first the internet was not necessary to complete the lesson effectively, second because I was hoping to promote and model digital citizenship and responsibility by slowly introducing the class to the proper use of the internet and netiquette. The students were able to successful relay feedback of the lesson to me using the discussion board a a final assessment of a reflection of the lesson. In addition in the ETC 447 course each student created forms for fellow classmates to fill out and offer further elaboration of the course. I believe that I will definitely use forms in my future classes!
After teaching the lesson in ETC 447 I believe it is vital to have a creative and exploration lesson when it comes to mathematics lessons. I am focusing on the mathematics portion in the reflection due to the fact that I hope to be teaching single subject mathematics in the future. I completely acknowledge that all subjects benefit from a creative outlook on a lesson. I believe that presenting the students with a great engagement is the hook and the start off of the lesson, motivation of students is vital for the success of the individual and the lesson. In addition I believe that having the students physically manipulate the concepts helps further knowledge of the content. Using technology in this digital age is another very important aspect for future teachers to explore in their classrooms. I believe with students younger and younger coming to class with cell phones and playing xbox games at home, the up coming generations have a better chance of grasping a concept when presented with a visual and physical aid. I will definitely use technology in my classroom. I believe that in addition to assisting learning, technology is also a huge aid for teaching when assessing, whether it be digital student portfolios or digital student work, students and teachers are able to see their work and therefore can assess and progress with further instruction. Using the Smart Board opened my eyes to a new interactive world of modeling concepts for students as well as incorporating students ideas within the day to day activities and instructions. It is important for every teacher and student to understand the importance of promoting and modeling digital citizenship and responsibility. In my classroom digital responsibility and citizenship will be treated as an addition behavioral issue. Students should understand no matter how they may be learning or communicating, each person should be treated with the highest level of respect. After experiencing this class I am even more positive that I will use technology within my classroom, and if technology is not available I will go the extra mile to ensure writing grants, etc. will be done so that students are able to experience the power of technology in the classroom and benefit from every lesson with or without technology.
- Standard 1: Facilitate and Inspire Student Learning and Creativity
- Standard 2: Design and Develop Digital-Age Learning Experiences and Assessments
- Standard 3: Model Digital-Age Work and Learning
- Standard 4: Promote and Model Digital Citizenship and Responsibility
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